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‘Tis the Season for Holiday Scams

Posted on 11/07/24 by Karen Murillo

It’s the most wonderful time of the year...for both you and scammers. According to a 2023 AARP Holiday Shopping Fraud report, 80% of U.S. consumers have experienced holiday-related fraud. But what are the top scams? Here’s what you need to know to stay safe this holiday season:

*NEW SCAM ALERTCard declined scams. You’re told your card has been declined during an online transaction and you’re prompted to use a different card. Later you realize you were charged twice!

Fake Order or Delivery

Watch out for text messages and emails saying there’s a problem with your shipment, even if they look like they’re coming from Amazon. And be wary of links provided for you to “re-schedule or update your delivery information.” If you receive a linked tracking number, don’t use the link – go to the delivery service website and check it yourself.

Scammers often use tactics like these to get you to:

  • Pay the scammer for bogus shipping fees or taxes. 
  • Click on a link that downloads malware to your device. 
  • Disclose sensitive personal, financial, or account-related information. 

Charity Fraud

Criminals like to hide in plain sight, sometimes appearing in the same ways as legitimate charities. Whether it’s in-person, over the phone, through social media, or paper mail, always be skeptical of anyone asking for your money, information, or some action, like clicking on a link.

How to avoid charity fraud:

Online Purchase Scams

Online shopping scams often start with a phony website, mobile app, or social media advertisement. Fraudsters may create a completely fake company or may imitate a brand you know and trust. As a result, you might be left empty-handed after paying the scammer, or receive a knockoff, low-quality product instead.

Red flags of online shopping fraud include:

Check out the Florida Attorney General’s E-Commerce Cons guide for more information on spotting and reporting online shopping scams.

Travel Scams

From hijacked vacation rental listings to international driving permit scams – there are countless ways for scammers to take advantage of popular travel times like the holidays. ( Be wary of “free” trips or incredibly discounted travel options – if it’s not an outright scam, there are likely hidden and unincluded costs.

How to protect yourself from travel scams:

Gift Card Theft

Gift cards are a go-to gift for many and they’re also a popular target for theft by fraudsters. “Gift card draining” occurs when fraudsters obtain the gift card details like the bar code, CVV number, PIN, or activation code and then spend the money before the card recipient. This is usually done be through in-store tampering of card packaging.

Tips to prevent gift card theft:

If you or someone you know has been targeted by a scam report the matter to law enforcement – it’s a crime. Not sure where to start? Call or visit the Fraud Watch Network Helpline at 877-908-3360.

For more scams affecting Floridians as well as the resources on how to monitor and report them, please visit AARP Florida’s Fraud Resource page at

This story is provided by AARP Florida. Visit the AARP Florida page for more news, events, and programs affecting retirement, health care, and more.

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