Myriad Botanical Gardens Dog Park

301 West Reno
Oklahoma City, OK 73102


We love your dogs visiting the Gardens dog park! We ask that you and your dog respect and abide by the honor system by following these simple rules.


-- Aggressive or unruly dogs must be removed from the Gardens’ Dog Park immediately.

-- Handlers and their dogs enter the Park at their own risk.

-- Dogs must be attended at all times.

-- Handlers must quickly clean up after their dogs.

-- Dogs in heat are prohibited.

-- Puppies must be at least four months old.

-- Please pick up the poop! We provide receptacles.

-- Handlers are responsible for damage caused by their dogs.

-- Dogs must be in general good health.

-- Dogs must be wearing a current Rabies tag.

-- Dogs must be on a leash outside the Dog Park.

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