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Community Connections from Collaborators in Maine

Posted on 03/01/24

AARP Maine collaborates with other organizations in our state with you in mind. Check out these resources and connect directly with the opportunities that work best for you!

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The Lunder-Dineen Health Education Alliance of Maine,
A program of Massachusetts General Hospital
The Lunder-Dineen Health Education Alliance of Maine, a program of Massachusetts General Hospital, has been providing education to health professionals, at no cost to them, since 2011. We address Maine’s most pressing public health problems by collaborating with Maine’s health professionals to provide engaging, evidence-based education, organizational support and access to experts. All of our education is offered at no cost to participants through the generous philanthropy of the Lunder Foundation and Mass General. Our three signature programs focus on nursing leadership across all four generations in the workforce; unhealthy alcohol use across the age continuum and proper oral health for older adults. To learn more please visit:

MOTIVATE at Home: This program is for caregivers of older adults and provides them with a barrier free, and no cost education program on this site :

Check out this quick video about what MOTIVATE at Home is all about.

By participating in the program, we hope you will learn:

  • The connection between oral health and overall health.
  • Why older adults are at greater risk of oral health problems?
  • The steps for adequate at home oral health care.
  • How to speak to your health care provider about oral health.

You will find an assortment of tools including videos, tipsheets and audio recordings. MOTIVATE at Home was informed and shaped by older adults and those who support them. The program was made possible by the Lunder-Dineen Health Education Alliance of Maine, a program of Massachusetts General Hospital with support from the CareQuest Institute for Oral Health.


Maine CDC Breast and Cervical Health Program
The Maine CDC Breast and Cervical Health Program offers free cancer screenings, diagnostic services, and treatment to eligible clients. Eligibility is based primarily on age, income level, and insurance status; and services are provided by a broad network of participating providers. To see if you qualify, call 1-800-350-5180, press 1.


The Maine State Senior Community Service Employment Program (SCSEP)
The Senior Community Service Employment Program (SCSEP) is a work-training program to help low-income, unemployed people ages 55+ find work. In addition to helping mature workers find job placement, the SCSEP helps older adults find financial stability, ultimately leading to better health and quality of life. The Maine State SCSEP administers this grant in Cumberland, Lincoln, and York Counties. We work to match eligible older adults with part-time training assignments at nonprofit organizations and government entities. Participants build skills and self-confidence while earning a modest income. The goal of the SCSEP is to use the experience gained from the program to find unsubsidized employment.

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Alzheimer's Association
The Alzheimer's Association is the global leader in Alzheimer's research. They work with community partners in order to propel the field of research into Alzheimer's forward. The Association is committed to accelerating the global progress of of new treatments, preventions and ultimately a cure for Alzheimer's.

For decades, A Map Through the Maze and the Connecticut Dementia Education Conference have taught professionals the best practices and cutting-edge research related to Alzheimer’s and dementia. Now, these two conferences have combined into the New England Conference for Dementia Care Professionals. We emphasize practical, concrete recommendations that you can take back to any care setting.

There are many ways to get involved with this nonprofit organization. From donating, to advocating to participating in one of the many global events the organization puts on. Click HERE to learn how you can get involved today.

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