Caregiving and the LGBTQ Community - a video podcast discussion with George Dicks
Washington's "Caring for Caregivers" video podcast series features discussions with local experts, community leaders, and caregivers just like you on a range of topics to help you along your caregiving journey.
As part of Pride Month, AARP WA is shining a spotlight on caregiving and LGBTQ communities with a new episode featuring a discussion with George Dicks, a geriatric mental health provider. Older adults in the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer (LGBTQ) community often face unique circumstances in their caregiving journeys. Due to social stigma and discrimination, finding inclusive care whether is from families or institutions can be challenging. As a result, LGBTQ older adults experience many disparities. Understanding the needs of LGBTQ older adults is an importance step towards assuring that all Washington communities receive the support to age as they choose. In the podcast, George talks about the history of LGBTQ communities and his own personal experiences.
Click on the image below to view the discussion, and be sure to check our page each month for a new episode. Please also take a moment to view past podcast episodes here. Enjoy!