AARP Eye Center
AARP NY Says NO to NYC’s Medicare Advantage Scheme: ‘A Promise Made Should be a Promise Kept’

AARP NY to Testify at City Council Hearing on Intro 0874
NEW YORK, N.Y. – AARP New York State Director Beth Finkel issued the following statement today ahead of AARP New York’s testimony to the New York City Council Committee on Civil Service and Labor in opposition to Intro 0874, which would weaken health insurance coverage for city employees, city retirees, and their dependents:
“Retired City workers are the very people who built this city and made it great. They deserve what they were promised, and, above all, they deserve the assurance of good health care in their later years.
“These retirees were promised solid health plans at no cost, and that is what they should be guaranteed.
“The City’s Medicare Advantage scheme could instead saddle retirees with higher costs, smaller networks, and greater administrative obstacles to accessing health care and preferred doctors. No retiree should be forced to pay more to get the same coverage or to lose the coverage they currently have. A promise made should be a promise kept.”
Contact: Erik Kriss,
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