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University of Michigan Planetarium

University of Michigan, 1109 Geddes Avenue
Ann Arbor, MI 48109


The Planetarium has undergone many renovations over the last twenty years. Most recently, the third (and last) analog instrument under the original canvas dome was replaced with a state-of-the-art digital, all-dome projection system. This employs a powerful computer to reproduce and display the night sky and things in it. Travel from the surface of the Earth to the most distant reaches of the Universe are now possible, in addition to exciting all-dome feature films.

Each year, thousands of adults and children—as members of school groups, scout groups, and from the general public—attend star talks and other Planetarium shows.

     Each season, the Planetarium offers "The Sky Tonight," a live star talk about the current night sky. Special events are noted, such as comets, meteor showers, eclipses, and current planets, if any. Flights into deep space let us visit other objects of interest.
     Astronomy and space research shows highlight current interests and happenings such as the Hubble Space Telescope, missions to the planets, specific planets, and shows for younger audiences like "Zula Patrol: Under the Weather" and "The Little Star that Could."


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