Driving Madeleine

NR, 91 mins
Cast: Line Renaud, Dany Boon, Alice Isaaz, Jérémie Laheurte, Gwendoline Hamon
Cohen Media Group
Genres: Comedydrama, Drama, Comedy
Director: Christian Carion
Writer: Cyril Gely

Charles (Dany Boon), a middle-aged Parisian taxi driver is having a very bad day. His personal life is in shambles and some pressing personal debts are due. His next fare, an elderly woman (Line Renaud), informs him that the trip will not be a direct one. The immaculately groomed 92-year-old woman, who is moving into a care home, is predicting this might be her final car ride through the French capital and would like to make stops along the way. Initially reluctant and exasperated, Charles is slowly lured in by her warm charm. Through the streets of Paris, Madeleine shares an extraordinary and dramatic past, full of extraordinary stories. And listens in as Charles confess his own worries, all of which she absorbs with candor and clarifying humor. During this drive, they will forge a friendship and a bond that will change their lives forever.

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