AARP Eye Center
Founded in London in 1844, the YMCA has shaped the lives of countless people. In 1948 a group of altruistic volunteers founded the Roseburg YMCA in Douglas County. The humble beginnings started in lease space in downtown Roseburg. The original building on Stewart Parkway in Roseburg was opened in 1960 and since then has added or re-purposed space for racquetball courts, child care, a second pool, and an accessible family locker room. In 1972, we changed our name to the Central Douglas County Family YMCA to reflect our outreach into areas beyond Roseburg and to highlight the programs and services we were providing to families. In 1997, the new addition was opened in a partnership with Parkview Skating that includes the gym/skating rink, weight room, conference room, and the cardio workout area. In 1998, the South County Program Extension Site in Canyonville was added to the YMCA. As part of the re-branding of the YMCA, of which we are a member association, we adopted a doing-business-as name, the YMCA of Douglas County in 2012. Capital improvements and the accompanying capital campaign are planned for 2015.
Tuesday, Mar 18, 2025 at 1:00 p.m. ET
Charlotte Mecklenburg Library- Pineville
Pineville, NC
Tuesday, Mar 18, 2025 at 7:00 p.m. ET
Online Event
Thursday, Apr 3, 2025 at 1:00 p.m. ET
Charlotte Mecklenburg Library - Hickory Grove
Charlotte, NC