AARP Eye Center
About Us:
Tulsa Garden Center, located in historic Woodward Park, is a nonprofit organization whose mission is to provide a variety of horticultural and environmental education opportunities for the community and to serve as horticultural headquarters for the Tulsa area. A primary goal is to promote learning about plants through educational and recreational programs, while preserving the heritage of its historic building. Tulsa Garden Center fulfills its role as part of a larger botanical community by advocating responsible stewardship of plants and their habitats and frequently sponsors lectures, classes, shows and special events. Nearly 30 affiliated organizations call Tulsa Garden Center home for horticultural and environmental activities.
The Center is open to the public with no admission cost on weekdays 9am - 4pm. Visitors enjoy the collection of photographs displayed throughout the facility which depict the home as it was during the Travis, Hull, and Snedden days. Many of the rooms still retain the craftsmanship and charm of the original home. The extensive woodcarvings, the flamboyant gold leaf ceilings and the dramatic marble floors are just a few of the original or near original elements preserved.
Tulsa Garden Center is proud to have one of the finest horticultural libraries in this part of the country. With over 5,000 volumes on horticulture, botany, landscaping and related subjects, the library is a resource for gardeners and students of horticulture. Tulsa Garden Center members enjoy library book checkout privileges, while the general public is invited to use the library as an onsite resource center. The Library is located on the second floor and has elevator access.
Wednesday, Mar 19, 2025 at 11:00 a.m. ET
Barker Mill Arms
Auburn, ME
Thursday, Mar 27, 2025 at 8:00 a.m. ET
Auburn Senior Community Center
Auburn, ME
Friday, Apr 4, 2025 at 10:00 a.m. ET
Yarmouth Community Services
Yarmouth, ME