AARP Eye Center
Tucker Lake Hemlocks contains an old-growth hemlock and yellow birch forest located on Tucker Lake, a large, undeveloped soft-water drainage lake. The forest shows some evidence of past selective harvest but is essentially unmanipulated. Canopy dominants are hemlock and yellow birch with basswood, red maple, white ash, balsam fir, and white pine. The shrub layer is generally sparse except where canopy gaps allow sunlight to penetrate the forest floor. Shrubs include mountain maple, beaked hazelnut, fly honeysuckle, and red elder. Herbs include shining club-moss, wood sorrel, small enchanter's nightshade, American starflower, Canada mayflower, rosy twisted-stalk, spotted coralroot, and intermediate wood fern. Numerous birds inhabit the area including the bald eagle and osprey. Other breeding birds are blackburnian, northern parula, and black-throated green warblers, red-eyed vireo, ovenbird, least flycatcher, and brown creeper. Tucker Lake Hemlocks is owned by the U.S. Forest Service and was designated a State Natural Area in 1996. This site is also recognized by the Forest Service as an established Research Natural Area.
Friday, Mar 14, 2025 at 7:30 a.m. CT
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Friday, Mar 14, 2025 at 10:00 a.m. CT
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Friday, Mar 14, 2025 at 12:00 p.m. CT
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