Highlighting Sedona

The Sedona Beltane Festival

65 Deer Trail Dr
Sedona, AZ 86336

Come and celebrate Beltane, an ancient festival of fire that bids farewell to the past, thus making way for a better future. This enchanted evening will ignite the fires of Beltane. We will weave intention for ourselves, our relations, and our community while we dance around the May-Pole and frolic in the grass to rhythmic and joy-filled music.

Our guest musicians are Ariana Saraha and Fernando Medina. Their accomplished, soulful music is inspired by Old World Celtic influences. Also, our guest comedic magician, “Jolly” Roger Blakiston, will delight and amaze us with his engaging performances.

Beltane includes the blending of masculine and feminine, and the magic of life, love, and connection. We will share a sacred outdoor ceremony for the elements and landscape, followed by dancing with fairies and sprites, and honoring the Earth Mother and Father Sun. Feel free to dress in costume and/or for celebration and movement. Also, feel free to bring fresh food or snacks for refreshment.

Bios for Ariana and Ferdnando:
Ariana Saraha is a singer, musician, and composer from the western US with a global soul. Most often compared to Celtic singer Loreena McKennitt and alt-world artists Dead Can Dance, Saraha writes, records and performs original and traditional music with Celtic, Mediterranean, Middle Eastern, North African and Indian influences. But beyond her Old World influences, it is Saraha’s raw soul and heartfelt intimacy that comes through most. She is joined by the accomplished drummer/percussionist and “rhythm painter” Fernando Medina. Together they are “Flight Behavior.”

This is a FREE event, sponsored by Unity of Sedona

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