Highlighting Lakewood

The Children's Theatre of Winnetka

620 Lincoln Avenue
Winnetka, IL 60093


History :

Theatre in Winnetka was born - with children not only acting but helping to direct, stage manage, paint sets, design and make costumes, work the lights and sound, etc. in Adult,rather than Children's plays.

Children's Theatre of Winnetka was the culmination of the dreams of two Winnetka women who envisioned Acting in the same light as other activities for Children such as baseball, football, hockey and basketball. A place where Children could strive to be the best, and in doing so, entertain not only their parents but friends as well - with an admission charge.

It all started the previous summer of when Barbara Weldon and Lu Sunkel talked with Tom Fritts, then the executive director of the Winnetka Community House, about starting a not-for-profit children's theatre under the auspices of the Community House. Tom was not only supportive but enthusiastic about the idea, and that was that!

A volunteer "working board of directors" was formed to insure continuity, with all founding members working on the show. This board decided to do two shows each year. Their vision: to teach and involve children in all aspects of a production - not just the acting, singing, and dancing. And, in the true meaning of "Children's" theatre, the children themselves, under adult supervision, would stage manage, run the lights & sound, procure and handle props, usher, sell tickets, paint the scenery, help with makeup and, after the last performance but before the cast party, strike the sets.

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