Highlighting Mars Hill

Southern Appalachian Repertory Theatre

44 College Street
Mars Hill, NC 28754

The mission is to produce quality professional theatre by a non-profit company by presenting plays that portray the rich cultural heritage of the people of Southern Appalachia, promoting the development and production of new works, and providing educational opportunities in the communities we serve.

It was 1975, and the Madison County Bicentennial Committee was developing plans to celebrate the nation's birth. The Mars Hill College Theatre Department was seeking ways to put the knowledge and experience of its faculty and students to use beyond the school year. Western North Carolina had long been fertile ground for the theatre arts, and audiences were showing increasing interest in their own history and heritage. All the elements were in place; all that was needed was a spark to fire them up.

Enter Jim "T" Thomas. Chairman of the Fine Arts Division of MHC, superb teacher, actor and director extraordinaire, Jim "T" Thomas ignited the powerhouse known as the Southern Appalachian Repertory Theatre. In the capable hands of "T," C. Robert Jones, Earl Leininger, Bill Gregg and Dewitt Tipton, some students and recent alumni, and a well-trained crew, SART took shape and took off. Its mission: To present the highest quality professional productions, with a special emphasis on "plays concerning Appalachia that portray the rich culture and heritage of its people".
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