South Dakota Tractor Museum

501 South West Street
Kimball, SD 57355

The South Dakota Tractor Museum of Kimball, South Dakota is located on Cemetery Rd. just south of I-90 (exit 284). Here you will find historic tractors, automoblies, and other farm machinery that has been restored and put on display by local farmers and mechanics. The museum is also home to an old windmill, an outdoor toilet, a one-room country school, blacksmith shop, and a barn full of horse-driven farm equipment. The museum charges no admission fee, but donations are welcome.

Summer hours are daily 9AM to 5PM, Sundays 1-5PM. Other hours may be available by request at the number on the bottom of this page. The Tractor Museum is run by a board of 7 community members working with donations and a little bit of grant money that came in after the first building was put up. There are about 40 volunteers that run the museum and give tours with descriptions of all the equipment including what it does and how it works.

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South Dakota