RetroEpics Film Festival

309 West Morgan Street
Durham, NC 27701

What is an epic movie, you ask? They're movies that both knock you for a loop and open up space in your mind that you never knew needed light. I'm talking about movies with grand stories that justify their three-hour runnning lengths, and sometimes more. Seeing an epic movie in a real theater with a real audience and the smell of popcorn is an inescapable part of that experience. I have caught some of these films on TV, and they're okay that way, but when a movie is taking flight I want to see the audience buckling their seatbelts. Here's a collection of epics that deserve to be seen in a widescreen format. With each new season, I try to program unique films from different genres: Western, War, Musical, Sci-Fi, Historical Comedy, etc. I also attempt to expand the program's breadth beyond just "American" titles. Serious effort has been made to not always pick the obvious movies like Gone With the Wind or The Bridge Over the River Kwai, but you're the judge of whether or not I succeeded.

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