AARP Eye Center
About Us
Back in 1995 before we bought Parkview General Store, we really had no clue what we were doing as we had no retail experience. We started with not much more than a dream of what Parkview could be and a willingness to do whatever was needed to make those dreams a reality. We had no idea the store would evolve as it has. We just know that it is essential to stick to our simple philosophy of customer service as our first priority.
We will do whatever it takes to help you, your forest area visitor to have a great time while here. We have added products and services to our store to help us achieve that goal.
Because we were so inexperienced when we got here, we sought help from a number of sources. We received extensive counseling from the UW Small Business Office in Oshkosh. We became members of two local Chambers of Commerce and worked to develop a new tourism promotions group. We have become active members of "Friends of the Kettle Moraine" to give back in some small way to the resource that supports us.
We hope to continue the evolution of Parkview General Store far into the future. We will continue to enhance the forest experience by fostering better partnering between the forest administration, the forest visitor, the commercial community, and the local community.
Wednesday, Mar 26, 2025 at 10:00 a.m. MT
Online Event
Wednesday, Apr 16, 2025 at 10:30 a.m. MT
Online Event
Wednesday, Apr 23, 2025 at 9:00 a.m. MT
Online Event