Highlighting Grand Rapids

Oasis of Hope Center

522 Leonard Street NorthWest
Grand Rapids, MI 49504


Our vision is a community where hope is restored by having basic health needs addressed in a Christ-centered environment

Our mission is to provide hope through low cost/free medical care and basic life-skills education to the economically disadvantaged and uninsured of the west-side of Grand Rapids, Michigan, in Jesus' name.

Our actions and behavior will always reflect these following core values and beliefs:

 - We believe that each of our clients is created equal and in the image of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

 - We are determined that our services will be given without prejudice to individuals with low income and no insurance.

 - It is our intention that each client walks away with not only an accurate diagnosis and a sound  -  treatment plan, but also a feeling of self-worth from their experience with our caring providers and staff.

 - We will strive to represent the purpose of our service:  providing hope...in Jesus' name - as we interact  with donors, vendors and our community neighbors, treating each one with the utmost of dignity and respect reflecting God's love.

 - We will handle and use each monetary or in-kind gift, and any donated items with integrity and good stewardship.

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