Lawrenceburg Public Library

150 Mary Street
Lawrenceburg, IN 47025


Our Mission

To provide our community with equal access to resources - for life.

Our Vision

Our facilities are safe, welcoming, and attractive and provide adequate space for all ages. We are the center of our community, promoting a learning environment for the exchange of ideas.

As a resource center, the library satisfies the needs of the community through the best services, high quality collections, current technology, and cultural and recreational programming.

We value community input and establish collaborative relationships with outside organizations to maximize our resources and services. Meeting room space for diverse community groups and organizations furthers the library’s mission and enriches lives and encourages self education.

Dedicated employees provide the level of service expected by our customers. We are an organization with a passion for reaching out to inspire and to serve the community. Our highly trained staff is instrumental in providing knowledgeable, courteous and respectful service to all, while anticipating and adapting to the changing needs of the community.

The library provides our customers with opportunities for life long learning and personal enrichment and supports intellectual freedom while respecting privacy. The library is a source of community pride.

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