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LaSalle Lake, a manmade, 2,058-acre lake 8 miles southeast of Marseilles, is popular among anglers. Serving as a cooling lake for Commonwealth Edison's LaSalle Power Station, the lake is formed by levees that rise above the surrounding land. While this perched construction helps the lake catch the wind to cool the impounded water, it can result in extremely hazardous conditions for unwary boaters.
All lake users should familiarize themselves with the precautions described in the "Safety Information" below.
Dirt excavated for the LaSalle County lake's construction was used to build the shoreline and internal dikes, which are covered with rock riprap. The dikes are used to direct cooling water through a five-day circulation pattern from the discharge channel back to the intake channel. Typically there is a 20-degree water temperature difference between the two channels. The average depth of LaSalle Lake is 15 feet, but excavated areas within the lake are up to 70 feet deep.
With its riprapped shoreline, LaSalle has no natural shoreline for beaching boats. Boaters must allow ample time to boat from the lake's northern shores to the boat ramp area on the southwestern corner.
Boating Safety Information
Boaters and anglers are responsible for their own safety. Follow all boating safety regulations, including observing the no wake zones. Always remain aware of changing weather conditions and wave development. The surface condition of the lake can change rapidly and wave action can be excessive.
A wind warning system at LaSalle Lake is located on the tip of the internal dike that extends from the west shore. When the light of the wind warning system is flashing, no boats are to be launched and boats on the lake should seek shelter.
For boater's safety, and for the safety of power plant divers who repair nets in the intake structure on the discharge canal, boaters are not allowed within the restricted areas marked off by orange buoys. Boaters observed in a restricted area will have their boat numbers submitted to Conservation Police Officers and tickets will be issued.
Swimming, wading and water skiing are prohibited at LaSalle Lake as are sailboats, sailboards and surfboards. All boats must be powered by gasoline engines. The maximum speed on the lake is 40 mph. It is advisable to carry a battery-powered AM-FM radio to monitor weather conditions. Two-way radios must be turned off within 200 feet of power lines.
All boating is done at your own risk.
Alcoholic beverages are not allowed.
Open Dates and Hours
LaSalle Lake will be open seven days a week from 6:00 am to Sunset starting March 15th through October 15th.
All fishermen must be off the lake by closing time.
Visitors to LaSalle Lake are reminded that on opening day and during the first two weeks of the fishing season, long lines are expected at the site entrance. Visitors are reminded to adhere to all rules, regulations and direction from staff to make this season at LaSalle Lake an enjoyable experience for all.
A boat is not needed to fish LaSalle Lake. Many individuals and families enjoy bank fishing. A fishing pier for disabled anglers is located at Ivy Point.
In addition to obeying statewide fishing regulations, anglers must observe LaSalle Lake's site specific regulations, which include two poles and line fishing only. In addition, the following daily catch limits are in effect:
One black bass (either largemouth or smallmouth), 18-inch minimum length.
10 striped bass, white bass or hybrid striped bass (either singly or in the aggregate), no more than three of which may be 17 inches on longer in length.
Friday, Mar 14, 2025 at 6:30 a.m. MT
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Friday, Mar 14, 2025 at 9:00 a.m. MT
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Friday, Mar 14, 2025 at 11:00 a.m. MT
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