AARP Eye Center
An open pit iron mine from before recorded history until the early 20th century, Iron Hill was allowed to revert to the beautiful natural wooded area that is now the 335-acre Iron Hill Park. The non-profit Friends of Iron Hill Park was established in March of 2008 and comprises people who share an interest in the Park and are willing to volunteer some of their time to work with New Castle County to promote family activities within the Park. We promote projects, programs, and educational opportunities that help meet the demand for outdoor recreation and natural resource protection.
The Bark Park
One of the most popular attractions in Iron Hill Park is a two-section dog exercise area, one area for small dogs and one for larger dogs. If you have a reasonably well-behaved dog who is up to date on its shots, come visit for some socializing! If your dog's socializing turns into an altercation, be sure to exchange phone numbers in case you have to visit the veterinarian and your vet needs the other dog's shot record. Sorry to be sticky about this, but it's important. Poop is another important thing. Use the supplied baggies (or your own) to pick up your dog's doo-doo. One last thing: the bark park is the only location in Iron Hill Park where a dog may be off leash.
Friday, Mar 7, 2025 at 12:00 p.m. PT
Online Event
Tuesday, Mar 11, 2025 at 9:00 a.m. PT
Online Event
Tuesday, Mar 18, 2025 at 1:00 p.m. PT
Online Event