AARP Eye Center
About Us
Founded in 1983 as the non-profit Portland Carousel Museum, the International Museum of Carousel Art has been the dream and passion of Oregon residents Duane and Carol Perron.
Starting in the mid 1970's with Carol's love of animals and wish to have "just one carousel horse", the Perron's have built a small private collection into the largest, most comprehensive collection of carousels and carousel art in the world. The Perron Family Collection now numbers in the hundreds of carousel animals, rare artifacts, and more than a dozen complete carousels.
As the collection has grown, the Perron's have become obsessed with not only preserving this unique art form, but also in preserving the timeless experience of a carousel ride. Starting with the restoration and operation of a 1914 carousel in Portland, Oregon in 1978, they have restored and placed into operation seven antique carousels at various locations around America. They have not done this work alone. A small army of loyal friends and volunteers have provided thousands of hours of work in this labor of love for carousels. The Perron's two sons, Brad and Carl, have both been instrumental in the effort as well.
The IMCA is very fortunate to have a major portion of the Perron Family Collection on permanent loan. We now have more than 110 carved animals on display as well as an operational Wurlitzer band organ, chariots, carving exhibits and many other artifacts from the golden age of carousels. Included in the museum are exhibits on European animals, the major American carvers, armored horses, and the restoration process.
It is the dream of the Perron's and their many supporters that the IMCA will become much more than the finest museum of carousel art in the world. They hope the IMCA will:
Continue to improve the displays and make the collection more comprehensive
Continue to improve the methods of restoration and preservation of carousel art
Share the techniques and knowledge with others worldwide.
Continue to restore antique carousels and place them in public operation
Provide all forms of assistance to others attempting to restore, protect, and operate antique carousels.
Tuesday, Apr 1, 2025 at 7:00 p.m. ET
Online Event
Thursday, Apr 3, 2025 at 12:00 p.m. ET
Rose Caracappa Senior Center
Mt Sinai, NY
Thursday, Apr 10, 2025 at 10:00 a.m. ET
South Huntington Public Library
Huntington Station, NY