Highlighting Brooklyn

Hillside Dog Park

Columbia Heights and Middagh Street
Brooklyn, NY 11201

Designated Off-Leash Areas: Certain park areas allow dogs to be off-leash from the time the park opens until 9 a.m. AND from 9 p.m. until the park closes. Dog owners/attendants with dogs off-leash in these designated areas must obey all general rules, including having their dog under control at all times, licensing the dog, and carrying proof of the dog's rabies vaccination. Parks that contain designated off-leash areas are listed by borough below. Reminder: Off-leash rules do not apply to park areas where dogs are strictly prohibited (e.g. playgrounds, tennis courts, athletic fields, and basketball/handball courts).

Dog Runs: Dog runs are large, fenced-in areas for dogs to exercise unleashed. Created with the expertise of a Parks Department landscape architect and volunteers, the runs encourage play while supplying good drainage, safe lighting, and healthy plantings.

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