Hidden Legend Winery

1345 US-93
Victor, MT 59875


The dream of being a winemaker became reality when Painted Rocks opened in 2001 with friends and neighbors as partners.Inspired by the Scandinavian love for honeywine,Ken chose a Viking as the logo for the Mead—and Thorvald’s legend began!The Schultz Family took over in 2005 as sole owners and delved into the business of producing the United State’s premiere Mead honeywine.Right from the start, Ken’s honeywines captured loyal customers and consistently wins prestigious medals.He used the wonderful natural flavors that come from the surrounding hills and meadows—pure, smooth honey, tart chokecherries, sweet huckleberries and the lovable, plentiful dandelion!The natural beauty of the area, the goodness of the local folks, and the dedication and hard work of the whole Schultz family, wife Lisa and sons Joe, Patrick and David make this an inspired place to produce incomparable honeywines.

Hidden Legend Winery is known for the quality honeywines it has always produced. The line of flavors has continued to grow. The King’s Mead line are our most recent addition to the honeywine family at Hidden Legend Meadery.

Hidden Legend Winery is proof that man’s desire for great wine can happen even in the most challenging natural environments!The natural bounty from the wildnerness of the western Rocky Mountains can be transformed into award winning , world class wines that capture the special nature of Montana.

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