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About the GWVAS
The Greater Wyoming Valley Audubon Society is an official chapter of the National Audubon Society. Its geographic area includes most of Luzerne and Wyoming Counties. Residents of this area who join the National Audubon Society automatically become members of the GWVAS. Membership dues paid to the National Audubon Society are shared with the local chapter. These dues help to support national and international conservation efforts, as well as conservation efforts in our local area. Thus, your Audubon membership helps to support environmental education and the preservation of our planet and its wildness. Membership benefits include a subscription to Audubon magazine, and to Valley Views, the newsletter of the GWVAS.
Mission Statement
The Mission of the Greater Wyoming Valley Audubon Society is to promote, through its publications, activities, community outreach, and other means, an awareness of, an appreciation for, and a desire to preserve, the natural beauty and biodiversity that exists both within and outside its geographic boundaries. The GWVAS encourages member and community activism to draw attention to environmental issues, to promote the preservation of nature and the sustainable use of the earth's natural resources, and to protect and display areas that are significant for reasons pertaining to nature and/or natural history. The GWVAS endeavors to accomplish its Mission by supporting environmental education for students ranging in age from elementary school through adulthood.
Friday, Mar 14, 2025 at 8:30 a.m. ET
Online Event
Friday, Mar 14, 2025 at 11:00 a.m. ET
Online Event
Friday, Mar 14, 2025 at 11:00 a.m. ET
Online Event