Located just north of the Flambeau River, this site features an old growth stand of Boreal Forest which displays no evidence of past logging. Large diameter white pine dominates this portion of the site with white spruce, white cedar and red pine found as secondary canopy associates. Other Boreal Forest tree species present include paper birch and balsam fir along with shrubs such as hazelnut, ironwood and mountain maple. Groundlayer plants that are typical of northern Wisconsin include starflower, bunchberry and Canada mayflower. A rocky slope containing forested seeps that drain south to the Flambeau River forms another interesting feature of the SNA. Also found at this site is an area of Northern Mesic Forest that was affected during a tornado in 2010 and was subsequently salvaged, leaving a fairly open canopy and dense regeneration of sugar maple in the understory. In the northwest portion of the SNA, the site transitions to a lowland forest and brush community. This mix of black spruce, cedar, tamarack, black ash and alder continues to the south and west of the site. Flambeau Wetlands is owned by the DNR and was designated a State Natural Area in 2008.
Tuesday, Mar 4, 2025 at 11:30 a.m. ET
Civic Garden Center of Greater Cincinnati (Auditorium)
Cincinnati, OH
Monday, Dec 23, 2024 at 10:30 a.m. ET
Online Event
Monday, Dec 23, 2024 at 11:00 a.m. ET
Online Event