AARP Eye Center
Many players on the course at Cyprian Keyes are interested in the history that lies behind the property and where our golf club got its name.
Like much of New England, there is a colorful story to this site. The club opened in 1997, but recorded history of the property dates back to 1718 when an early settler, Thomas Keyes, bought several lots in what was then the north precinct of Shrewsbury. In 1734, his son, Cyprian, built his home here, a house that was called Spring Garden. Besides being one of the first settlers in what was to become the city of Boylston, Cyprian Keyes was also a deacon of the Congregational Church and an ardent patriot.
After Cyprian Keyes died in 1802 at age 95, the land went through many hands and was finally purchased by industrialist George Sumner Barton, and his wife, Elizabeth Trumbull Lincoln. They renamed the land Barlin Acres—“Bar” from Barton, and “lin” from Lincoln. The Bartons made many additions to Cyprian Keyes’ home, including adding a music room in 1939. This room was originally built in 19th century England, disassembled, and reassembled as part of the Barlin Acres Mansion.
Tuesday, Mar 18, 2025 at 1:00 p.m. PT
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Friday, Mar 21, 2025 at 10:00 a.m. PT
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Tuesday, Apr 8, 2025 at 9:00 a.m. PT
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