AARP Eye Center
Who We Are
With its grand opening on August 30, 2013, Coachella Valley Brewing Co. went from a small, lofty notion into a full-fleshed reality. Focusing on the uniqueness of the Southern California desert, Coachella Valley Brewing Co. strives to connect both ends of the Coachella Valley through quality locally grown ingredients and expertly crafted beer.
Locally owned and operated in Thousand Palms, California, we are committed to crafting beer that showcases the agriculture and the attitudes of the desert.
Coachella Valley Brewing Co master brewer Chris is a graduate of The University of Alaska Anchorage Culinary Arts program and holds an Associates Degree in Culinary Arts, Certified Dietary Manager with over 20+ years of management experience. Chris currently holds the rank of National level judge and is working towards master. Chris was formerly a brewer at Midnight Sun Brewing Co. and The Moose's Tooth Brewing Co. both in Anchorage, AK and assisted the head brewer in every aspect of brew house operations. Chris won 1st Place at The Great Alaskan Beer and Barleywine festival in 2000 and Gold at the Toronado Barley Wine Festival the same year while brewing at Midnight Sun. In 2001, M.S.B.C. was awarded a 1st place in the Alpha King Challenge a competition of the most balanced hoppiest beers in the world.
Locally Crafted
With an emphasis on farm-to-table brewing, we use the vast diversity of the Coachella Valley as inspiration. We combine the luxury of the Palm Springs west valley with the agricultural excellence of the east valley to produce truly unique and flavorful beer. Using local citrus, herbs, honey, and spices, we support local farms and flavors. We believe sustainability, creativity, and passion are the key ingredients in the best craft beer.
One Man's Trash
Coachella Valley Brewing Co. believes waste is a terrible thing. With that we have found creative ways to reuse what other breweries discard. Our spent grain left over at the end of a brewing cycle is sold or given to local agricultural business to be used in livestock feed. Additionally, we turn our spent grain into Bavarian style pretzels, mustard, beer cheese, body soap and even dog shampoo for our brewery mascot Matilda!
Craft, Technology And Efficiency
Coachella Valley brewing company employs a state of the art 17 Barrel Brewhouse, the H.E.B.S. or high efficiency brew system and is one of five in operation on the planet. The heart of the system is mash filtration technology. We do not use a mash tun/lauter tun combo and instead press the mash through a filter press thereby increasing our mash efficiency to 95-98%. As compared to mash/lauter tun systems the H.E.B.S. is capable of producing a 17 barrel batch every two hours while using 60% less water and producing 65% less spent grain solids. This systematic approach to brewing combined with green technology relative to our cleaning and sanitation practices poises Coachella Valley Brewing as a leader in producing high quality beers while being mindful of the environment. We are proud to have partnered up with many of the amazing local farmers and East Valley agriculture industry leaders using various locally grown sustainable ingredients to create our farm to glass Locally Crafted line of brews.
Tuesday, Mar 25, 2025 at 4:00 p.m. ET
Online Event
Monday, Apr 7, 2025 at 12:00 p.m. ET
Online Event
Tuesday, Apr 8, 2025 at 12:00 p.m. ET
Online Event