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Inspiration for The Museum came as a result of the tragic 1989 Cleveland School shootings. While at play, 5 children were killed and 30 others were wounded — including a teacher — by a gunman firing an assault weapon.
That wounded teacher was Janet Geng, Founding Director of The Children’s Museum of Stockton. While on a trip to Washington D.C., Geng visited a children’s museum. There, joined by children and families, she discovered a safe — violence free — place for learning and play. Beginning her process of both physical and spiritual healing, Geng became inspired. She knew Stockton deserved such a place.
In March of 1990, a small group of community leaders met to discuss the possibilities of a children’s museum in Stockton. In the months that followed, a board of directors was established and the organization received California not-for-profit designation. Through support from both the private and public sectors, possibilities were becoming realities. 1991 was a year filled with arduous fundraising while The Museum maintained high visibility.
Still, the organization needed a home. In January 1994, through a generous agreement with The City of Stockton, property at 402 West Weber Avenue became the permanent site of The Children’s Museum of Stockton.
It was a cool spring morning in March 1994. The sound of hammer meeting nail was a familiar friend. It is true. Board Members, volunteers, and staff were frantically attempting to put the final touches on exhibits. A helicopter landed in the parking lot. Kites flew high. Bands played on as The Children’s Museum Kid’s Board cut the ribbon. Over 500 young people and their families rushed to discover the magical world that was promised.
The Museum developed KIDSWORLD as a permanent exhibit. KIDSWORLD which occupies three-fourths of the 22,000 square foot structure is a child’s version of a miniature city. Over 30 exhibits including a bank, hospital, grocery store, recycling, art center, and a post office engage children in a hands-on exploration of a functioning city.
The Children’s Museum of Stockton is continuously inspired by its mission to provide children, families and schools with a safe and fun center of discovery and learning though interactive exhibits, programming and workshops.
Tuesday, Mar 18, 2025 at 1:00 p.m. PT
Online Event
Friday, Mar 21, 2025 at 10:00 a.m. PT
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Tuesday, Apr 8, 2025 at 9:00 a.m. PT
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