AARP Eye Center
About Us:
Our nano-brewery was built with traditional masonry, top quality brewing equipment, and a passion for fine flavors. Its industrial feel fits like a glove in the local neighbourhood of Columbus Road Peninsula in the Cleveland Flats. Our owner/brewer Karl Spiesman can usually be found here, tirelessly working on his next batch of quality craft beers.
All of our beers are carefully prepared using four fermenters. There's Sir William Wallace & Iron Maiden, our hefty seven-barrel fermenters, and Reezie, our teeny weeny 10 gallon system. Lastly, our newest addition is a brilliant fermentation tank that we proudly call 'R2D2'. If you are curious why we call him that, please do stop in to take a look; you'll completely understand. Watch out ladies - he's a real charmer.
With support from the thirsty beer patrons of Cleveland, Ohio, we've already ordered our next tanks and will continue to grow while maintaining an intimate 'conversational' environment. We're also ordering in new wine, bourbon, and maple syrup barrels to ensure variety-loving drinkers are happy.
Wednesday, Mar 5, 2025 at 11:00 a.m. AKST
Online Event
Thursday, Mar 6, 2025 at 10:00 a.m. AKST
Online Event
Friday, Mar 7, 2025 at 2:00 p.m. AKST
Online Event