AARP Eye Center
Some think beer is beer. It doesn't matter what you drink it from. Brewery Ommegang, and the entire nation of Belgium, politely disagree.
Every single beer in Belgium has its own unique glass. With over 600 individual beers from 180 breweries, that's a lot of glassware for a country about the size of Maryland.
Why? Because context is everything. Every glass is designed to accentuate the quality and the history of the beer it contains.
Of course, you don't have to drink our beer from the right glass. You'll just enjoy it more if you do.
Everything for a reason.
Thursday, Mar 27, 2025 at 10:00 a.m. ET
Online Event
Friday, Mar 28, 2025 at 10:00 a.m. ET
USS Orleck Naval Museum
Jacksonville, FL
Tuesday, Apr 1, 2025 at 10:00 a.m. ET
Online Event