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Baby Loves Disco

417 North 8th Street
Philadelphia, PA 19123

For the past  8 years, Baby Loves Disco has been trans­form­ing the hippest night clubs across the world into child proof dis­cos as tod­dlers, pre-schoolers and par­ents look­ing for a break from the rou­tine play­ground cir­cuit let loose for some post nap­time, pre-dinner fun. Make no mis­take, this is NOT the Mickey Mouse club, and Bar­ney is Banned. Baby loves disco is an after­noon dance party fea­tur­ing real music spun and mixed by real djs blend­ing clas­sic disco tunes From the 70s, & 80s with today’s hottest dance tunes…..guar­an­teed to get those lit­tle booties mov­ing and grooving.

The fun spills out from all cor­ners of the club: bub­ble machines, bas­kets of scarves and egg-shakers, a chill-out room (with tents, books and puz­zles), dia­per chang­ing sta­tions, a full spread of healthy snacks and danc­ing, LOTS of danc­ing. But at it’s core, Baby loves disco is a com­mu­nity event that brings kids together with kids and par­ents together with par­ents. Started by pro­fes­sional dancer (and pro­fes­sional mom) Heather Mur­phy, the idea was to cre­ate an alter­na­tive to the pre-packaged world of enter­tain­ment for young kids. “We’re par­ents, we’re always look­ing for some­thing new and dif­fer­ent to do with the kids,” says Mur­phy whose lifestyle (like most of the baby disco par­ents) was changed when she gave birth to her 4 year old son Max.

The monthly event, which started in Philly where it has sold out club Fluid since incep­tion, caught the ear of Brooklyn-based music guy Andy Hur­witz who brought the party up to New York City in the fall of 2005: “my kids had a blast, but the real bonus was that my wife and I had a great time too,” said Hur­witz, founder of ropead­ope records and father of two young boys. He added, “It’s more than just some­thing to do for the kids, Baby Loves Disco is fun for par­ents, we get the chance to min­gle with other par­ents, dance with our kids and have a Sat­ur­day after­noon cock­tail to boot.”

By the fall of 2006 Baby Loves Disco had spread coast to coast and now takes place in over 21 cities – all with­out any tra­di­tional adver­tis­ing, mar­ket­ing or pub­lic­ity as word of mouth spread through the parental grapevine quickly. In fact, it is usu­ally an inspired mom (or the occa­sional dad) that moti­vates to bring Baby Loves Disco to their own home­town where they end up as the host of the party.

Today, Baby Loves Disco remains a mom and pop com­pany, employ­ing other local moms and pops across the coun­try and try­ing to keep the dream of being able to work from home and not need to get a “real job” alive.   In addition to our monthly events at select cities across the country BLD has 2 major tours each year that travels to nightclubs, military bases, children’s hospitals, malls and community centers.

Baby Loves Disco is a worldwide event with a major presence in both the UK and Japan.

Heather and Andy are the two main part­ners, both liv­ing in the Philadel­phia Area, both with kids in the same funny soc­cer league (the one in south Philly with no real rules, and no real struc­ture), and both with a pas­sion for music, dance and life.

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