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You Can Make a Lasting Impact in More than 60 Countries

Posted on 05/02/24

The following guest post was submitted by Andrew Starcevic, Peace Corps regional recruiter for Connecticut, Massachusetts, and Rhode Island.

If you’re looking to serve boldly, the Peace Corps has opportunities for you. In more than 60 countries, Peace Corps Volunteers are putting their purpose, passion, and skills to work in partnership with welcoming host communities – growing, teaching, learning, and making change.

The Peace Corps – a government agency that promotes world peace and friendship across the globe – brings together skilled, committed Volunteers with welcoming host communities. At the invitation of host countries, the Peace Corps sends volunteers to work in partnership with communities around the world; to be a catalyst for change that the community wants to achieve. During a two-year program, volunteers and community members learn from one another by working together and living alongside each other while working toward their shared goal.

As a Peace Corps Volunteer, you will live and work alongside community members on locally prioritized projects, receiving a stipend and other support as you immerse yourself in a new culture. You’ll build relationships, exchange knowledge, and help transform lives for generations.

Prior to my current role as a Peace Corps Recruiter in Connecticut, I served as a Peace Corps Volunteer in the country of Namibia where I taught English in a rural farming community – it was truly a life changing experience. Living in another community for two years provides an amazing opportunity to develop meaningful connections with people, deeply learn about the culture of that country, and share some of your culture and traditions from your home in the United States.

Before service officially begins, volunteers have a three-month pre-service training in their country of service, during which they build a foundation of understanding in the country’s language and culture and learn about their Peace Corps duties. After training, volunteers head off to their new community to start living and working in the place they will call home for the next two years.

The Peace Corps provides each volunteer with housing and a living stipend that enables them to live and work alongside the people in their community. Unlike other international volunteer programs, there is no fee to join. Upon completion of two years of service, the Peace Corps provides each volunteer with more than $10,000 (pre-tax) to help with the transition to life back home.

As one of your Connecticut Recruiters, I’m here to connect with you to discuss Peace Corps service and answer questions about the application process. Please feel free to contact me by email at or give me a call at 401-855-8146. There is no upper age limit for volunteers, so let’s connect about this opportunity for you.

The Peace Corps is a service opportunity for motivated changemakers to immerse themselves in a community abroad, working side by side with local leaders to tackle the most pressing challenges of our generation. For more information, visit

This story is provided by AARP Connecticut. Visit the AARP Connecticut page for more news, events, and programs affecting retirement, health care, and more.

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