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Request a free speaker for your group

Posted on 01/23/25 by Rachel Fautz

Schedule an AARP presentation

Does your community group need a speaker? AARP volunteers can deliver presentations on a variety of topics to groups of 25 or more almost anywhere in Kentucky. We can tailor the length of the talk to fit the group’s needs. Request an AARP Kentucky presentation online, here.
AARP Kentucky speaker request form

Topics include:

  • Fraud (20-45 mins.) - AARP helps attendees protect themselves and their loved ones by looking at fraud trends and behavior; The Con Artist’s Play Book; prevention techniques and resources.
  • Caregiving (20-45 mins.) - AARP will give an overview of available resources that may be of help to caregivers and walk through AARP’s Prepare to Care planning guide.
  • Legislative Update (20-30 mins.) - AARP will discuss pending and recently passed legislation in both Frankfort and Washington DC that impacts people over the age of 50.
  • Social Security (20-45 mins.) - AARP will cover the basics of the Social Security and the important decision of when to claim your retirement benefit. We also will spend a few minutes talking about the future of the program.
  • Protect Medicare (20 to 30 minutes) - AARP will conduct a workshop that briefly discusses the Basics of Medicare – an overview of the different parts of Medicare, what is covered and the costs, and your Medicare Choices – an overview of the different types of Medicare plans.
  • Six Pillars of Brain Health (30 or 60 mins.) - It’s never too late to take charge of your brain health! In this interactive session you will learn about the five pillars of a brain-healthy lifestyle, share your brain-boosting activities and be inspired by others.
KY Speaker

“These presentations are a fun way to learn about issues that matter to Kentuckians age 50-plus,” said Tihisha Rawlins, AARP state outreach director.

To schedule a speaker or request an exhibit, complete our online request form with details. AARP Kentucky speaker request form

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