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Protect and Save Social Security

Posted on 08/10/23

You paid into it. You earned it. You deserve your Social Security when you retire.

AARP has been fighting for 60 years — and will continue to lead the charge — to protect and save Social Security for current and future generations. While the program remains secure today, if Washington doesn't take action and make changes to protect Social Security in the next decade, your Social Security could be cut by 20% - an average of $4,000 a year.

The Impact of Social Security:

- Over 663,000 Iowans receive Social Security.
- Nearly 30% of Iowans 65+ would be living in poverty were it not for Social Security.
- 39% of Iowans 65+ live in families that rely on Social Security for at least half of their income.
- Social Security payments pump at least $11.4 billion into Iowa's economy every year.

What Can YOU Do?

- Click here to send a note to your lawmaker urging them to protect Social Security.

This story is provided by AARP Iowa. Visit the AARP Iowa page for more news, events, and programs affecting retirement, health care, and more.

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