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Online Gentle Yoga with Cathy - August 2024

Posted on 07/08/24 by Pam Dube

August 2024 Yoga with Cathy.jpg

Breathe in. Breathe out. Relax.

The world is stressful right now and we could all use a little bit of a time out.

From the comfort of your home via Zoom, join certified yoga instructor Cathy Arnault and AARP New Hampshire for a 60-minute, online gentle yoga class on August 7 at 5:30 pm.

The class will start with pranayama (meditative breathing) and will progress from seated warm-ups, to warm-ups on the hands and knees, and then to standing asanas (postures). Because this is a gentle class, we will focus on the six movements of the spine and gentle rotations of the joints, as well as gentle stretching and strengthening.

This is your practice, so you should only do what feels right in your body. Take care of YOU! The class will end with 5 minutes of savasana, or rest, to help the body to integrate all that it has done.

All you will need is a (computer), a mat, a small blanket, and water. Yoga blocks and a strap might be helpful for modifications, but are not required.

This class is free but registration is required: https://events.aarp.org/yoga-aug24

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