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Lexington Scam Jam and Shredding Day

Posted on 06/14/24 by Scott Wegenast

Empower Yourself by Spotting and Stopping Scams
This is where AARP Lexington Scam Jam & Shredding Day can help.

Spotting and avoiding common scams is an important skill in today's digital world. Scammers are crafty and always changing with the times and new technology. They target people in many ways: through phone calls, emails, text messages and social media platforms.

Lexington’s Scam Jam and Shredding Day is a free community event to arm Kentuckians with the tools they need to spot and avoid scams risks—before they happen. Consumers are invited to bring their outdated personal documents for secure onsite destruction at no cost.

Join us for this special event, register online: Register by phone: 877.926.8300
Registration is required. Lunch is provided with completed registration. AARP membership not required.
What:             Lexington Scam Jam and Document Shredding Day
Where: Lexington Senior Center | 195 Life Lane | Lexington 40502
When: Thursday, June 20 | Document Destruction begins 9:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. ET | Speaker presentations begin 10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.

Presenters: AARP Kentucky, Kentucky Attorney General Office of Senior Protection, LFUCG Police Department, Better Business Bureau, Department of Financial Institutions, and U.S. Secret Service. Local exhibitors will be on hand with additional consumer protection resources.

Join us for this free event for resources that can help protect yourself and others from scams. We’ll explore the latest information on the various types of scams out there, and arm you with important tips and information so that you can help stop scammers in their tracks.

We’ll also provide critical information for you to use to help keep yourself and your loved ones safe, such as watching out for red flags, device security and reporting suspicious activity. By staying vigilant, verifying sources and reporting suspicious activity, you can help protect yourself and others from common scams.

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