Learn to Invest and Save to Make Your Money Last
Prepare your finances to last as long as you live, even if you live to be 100. That’s the goal of free AARP Hawai`i webinars on Saturdays at 10 a.m. on June 10 and June 17.
New Census data shows the fastest growing population segment in Hawai`i are people ages 100 and older and 80 and older. With better health care and personal care, the older population will likely continue to grow. But are you saving and investing enough to grow your money to last for a longer life?
If not, register to get a Zoom link for a free Make Your Money Last webinar on June 10th and Understanding IRAs webinar on June 17th. The Make Your Money Last webinar will review investing and saving strategies to help you achieve your financial goals and the Understanding IRAs webinar will cover Individual Retirement Accounts, Roth IRAs, minimum distributions and rollovers. Certified Financial Planner Joanna Amberger, who is also an AARP volunteer, will answer your questions. No products will be sold and no individual financial advice will be given. The workshops are educational and designed to help you make your own financial decisions.
To register, go to events.aarp.org/HImoney or call 877-926-8300. You can also go to local.aarp.org, the AARP Hawai`i Facebook page or the AARP Hawai`i website at aarp.org/hi and click on the Events or Upcoming Events tab to see and register for all the events AARP is offering.