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Inspiring Leadership: Hispanic/Latino Voices on Heritage, Representation, and Advocacy

Posted on 09/09/24

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As we celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month, we take the time to honor the vibrant histories, diverse cultures, and invaluable contributions of Hispanic and Latino people in our communities. This month, we highlight the voices of inspiring leaders and influencers who are making a difference in their communities and paving the way for future generations. Their stories reflect a rich tapestry of experiences, pride, and passion for representation and advocacy.

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1. Grace C. Bonilla: President & CEO, United Way NYC

  • De donde Eres? Ethnicity?

My parents are from Ecuador and arrived to the US in the late 1960’s and early 1970’s.

  • How important is representation as a leader/public servant in the H/L community?

The issues that I have worked on for most of my career are strategies to lift New Yorkers from poverty and income insecurity. The reason that representation matters is that many of those strategies include understanding the best way to meet people where they are and to understand their values and what is important to them. In our community we need people at decision making positions to speak to our values, our assets and our needs as a community to that there are strategies and policies that represent us. As the fastest growing community the wellbeing of the Latine community will determine the wellbeing of most of the country.

  • Why is it important to celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month?

No matter how long we are in this country, a month or decades, celebrating who we are is what brings our community together and blends our borders enough to celebrate each other’s unique background. It is also an opportunity to highlight the incredible contributions we have made in every community since the beginning of the history of this country. Now more than ever we need to stand-up as a community to tell our story. The narrative too often will cover what we take or deficiencies only attributed to us because of our origins. The unseen reality is that we have contributed to the building of every community and until that is universally accepted we have an obligation to celebrate who we are so our children are clear about where they come from.

  • Why should Hispanics/Latinos get involved in public policy decisions?

Getting involved in policy decisions is critical to our survival and so that we can thrive. Whether we are talking about everything from workforce development to small business policy to ending poverty if the voice of our community is not fairly represented resources will be unfairly distributed. While it is hard for many in our community to trust government, we have to get used to the idea that if we are not at the table to hold decision makers accountable it will be much easier to take us for granted.

  • Cual es tu plato favorito? What’s your favorite Latino dish?

Well this is a really hard question. My favorite dishes are ceviche de camaron (shrimp) but only at mami’s house and caldo de bola.

Hispanic Federation Portraits Career Fair 2024

2. Diana Caba: Vice President for Community & Economic Development - Hispanic Federation

  • De donde Eres? Ethnicity?

I am the youngest of eight children born to Dominican parents that immigrated to the United States. I grew up in the Bronx, New York, where my parents sought to provide a better life for my family while instilling us with a strong work ethic and large dose of Dominican pride. It is important for me to honor my Dominican roots in everything I do. I work to represent my people daily and to serve others through the values my Dominican family encouraged in me. I am grateful for the opportunities afforded to me because of my parents’ bravery to leave their homeland and start anew, but also for the connection to the island that has contributed to the person I am today.

  • How important is representation as a leader/public servant in the H/L community?

Representation is everything! Representation is critical to reflect the interests of our community and push for equitable solutions that respond to the challenges we face and promote greater inclusion for all. Throughout my career I have worked for dynamic nonprofit organizations dedicated to uplifting underrepresented communities. At Hispanic Federation, I have the honor of working for an organization that aims to represent for the Latino community locally, state-wide, and nationally by strengthening Latino nonprofit organizations, promoting public policy advocacy, and delivering community assistance to support Latino families. Because of this mission-based work, I recognize the important perspective I possess as a Latina in creating social change, empowering my community, and inspiring others to be the change they wish to see.

  • Why is it important to celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month?

Hispanic Heritage Month is a time to celebrate the cultural diversity within the Latino community and, most importantly, to honor the many valuable contributions Latinos have made to our society. The impact Latinos have had is undeniable – and it is important to maintain the visibility and meet the needs of our community as it continues to grow. For example, Latinos will account for one out of every two new workers entering the workforce by 2025. However, Latinos also hold jobs that are at the highest risk of elimination due to automation, while more than half of Latino workers have little to no digital skills. In my role as Vice President for Community & Economic Development at Hispanic Federation, my colleagues and I work to support Latino nonprofits working to address this issue by offering workforce development training that include digital skilling. It is important to educate our communities about issues like these that disproportionally affect Latinos and highlight the role that community-based organizations play to address these issues in a culturally responsive manner.

  • Why should Hispanics/Latinos get involved in public policy decisions?

We all have a role to play to make sure our voices are heard. Civic participation can manifest in many ways from attending a town hall, casting a vote, contacting a local elected official about a concern, volunteering in your community, and more. The more we engage, the more we can make a difference. We recognize the value representation has when advocating for our community needs and our representatives need to hear from us to accurately reflect our interests. We also need to hold our representatives accountable for their promise to solve the most pressing issues facing our communities.

  • Cual es tu plato favorito? What’s your favorite Latino dish?

There’s nothing like homecooked food when it comes to Latino dishes. My current favorite is my mother’s oxtail stew 😊

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3. Alvaro Carascal: AARP New York, Executive Council Member

  • De donde Eres? Ethnicity?

I was born and grew up in Colombia and relocated to the US more than 40 years ago. I am proud to be Hispanic/Latino, with a genetic pool that includes Native Colombian, European and African genes.

  • How important is representation as a leader/public servant in the H/L community?

The H/L community needs to have representation across the board. Having representation means having a voice, a say in our future. It is incumbent upon us, as a community, to strive to increase our educational attainment, first and foremost. By increasing education levels in our community, we increase income and, equally important, health. Health outcomes are intimately linked to education.

  • Why is it important to celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month?

Hispanic Heritage Month is an opportunity to recognize what we as H/L have contributed significantly to the history of this nation. We all should remember that a significant portion of the country was colonized by people who spoke Spanish. If we reflect on the cultural presence of H/L in today’s environment, we cannot help but see that our food, our music, our traditions, are intricately linked to this country. We were the past, we are today and we are the future.

  • Why should Hispanics/Latinos get involved in public policy decisions?

A multicultural society needs to reflect the views of its members. As a growing proportion of the population, H/L need to have political representation. But that is not enough: we need the power of advocacy and community mobilization that could influence public policy decisions.

  • Cual es tu plato favorito? What’s your favorite Latino dish?

My favorite dish has its roots in the Caribbean part of Colombia where I come from: Mote de Queso, a soup made with name (a tuber) and cheese.


4. Altagracia Hiraldo: President/Founder - The Dominican Community Center

  • De donde Eres? Ethnicity?

Soy de Santo Domingo en la República Dominicana, Distrito Nacional.

  • How important is representation as a leader/public servant in the H/L community?

Representation as a leader or public servant in the Hispanic community is crucial because it ensures that the voices and needs of the community are heard and addressed. When leaders come from within the community, they bring a deep understanding of the unique challenges and cultural nuances that might otherwise be overlooked. This connection fosters trust and empowers individuals to seek help, knowing they will be understood and supported. Moreover, seeing leaders who share their background and experiences inspires others in the community to strive for success, knowing that they, too, can achieve great things. Representation is not just about holding a position—it's about being a bridge between the community and the broader society, advocating for equity, and paving the way for future generations to thrive.

  • Why is it important to celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month?

Celebrating Hispanic Heritage Month is important because it honors the contributions and influence of Hispanic and Latino Americans to the history, culture, and achievements of the United States. The dedication and hard work of Hispanic immigrants have played a crucial role in shaping our communities and driving the development of this country. From art and music to science and business, the impact of Hispanic culture is woven into the fabric of American society. This celebration not only acknowledges the resilience and spirit of those who came before us but also inspires future generations to continue striving for success and cultural pride. Hispanic Heritage Month is a time to reflect on the richness of our diverse society and to recognize the essential role that Hispanic and Latino individuals play in making our nation vibrant and strong.

  • Why should Hispanics/Latinos get involved in public policy decisions?

Hispanic and Latino communities should actively participate in public policy decisions because our contributions to the United States are significant and far-reaching. We play a vital role in shaping the cultural, economic, and social landscape of the nation. By getting involved in public policy, we can ensure that our voices and perspectives are represented in the decisions that affect our lives and communities. Our involvement in public policy helps create a more inclusive and equitable society, where policies are reflective of the diverse needs of all citizens. Ultimately, by stepping into these decision-making spaces, we can help shape a future that benefits everyone, ensuring that our legacy of contribution continues to thrive.

  • Cual es tu plato favorito? What’s your favorite Latino dish?

I love what we call "La Bandera Dominicana" which consists of rice, beans, and some meat. I also love it with a side of salad.

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5. Ana Isabel Garcia Reyes: Dean of Community Relations – Hostos Community College

  • De donde Eres? Ethnicity?

I am a humble Dominican American Latina Woman. I was born in the Dominican Republic, and raised in New York City. My mother was Puerto Rican and my father was from the Dominican Republic. Both passed away and are resting in peace.

  • How important is representation as a leader/public servant in the H/L community?

Representation is highly important as young people need to see people like them reflected in influential positions to understand that it is possible for them to get where we are as a professional, or even higher. Being involved and serving as role model leaders for our youth is very important. Also, sharing our experiences and the contributions of our ancestors keeps the Hispanic/ Latino cultures alive from generations to generations. It is also important to be at the table to voice the interest our communities, and to be understood at multiethnic settings. The History of the United States is also the history of Hispanics/ Latinos. Our people have contributed so much to the very own fabric and development of this great nation. From farmers, to scholars, scientists, teachers, lawyers, business entrepreneurs, and judges among others, Hispanic / Latinos have contributed much to the rich history of this nation, and as leaders it is important to explain it to represent those who may not have a voice at non-traditional settings.

  • Why is it important to celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month?

The Hispanic/Latino Heritage Month is a way of paying tribute to our ancestors for all the contributions and sacrifices they have made in this country and other parts of the world. It is an important reaffirmation, and self- value of who we are as people, as well as the sense of responsibility of passing the torch so that our culture, our values and our traditions will continue for many more generations to come. It is also a way of saying we are here representing our diverse countries, our families and our communities. The intent of it is to elevate and proudly amplify the ongoing contributions that Hispanics / Latinos have consistently made to this nation and other societies worldwide. The Hispanic/ Latino Heritage Month also honors the cultures of our diverse immigrant communities, which is rooted in all the Latin American countries. It is important to learn and share the history, legacy, and accomplishments of our past, and present to understand where we stand as we look into the future. El que no conoce su historia, su pais, sus raices, o su cultura, no sabe donde esta, ni hacia donde va. It is important learn about our history to fill out the missing pages of our communities and the Latino giants who helped to build this great nation.

  • Why should Hispanics/Latinos get involved in public policy decisions?

Latinos should get involved in public policy to be counted and to have a voice in the decision-making process of policy makers. It is important for the well-being of the families and the communities that each of us represent, because public policy decisions impact the way of life of all groups, including Hispanics/ Latinos.

  • Cual es tu plato favorito? What’s your favorite Latino dish?

Pastelon de platanos maduros, pasteles en hojas, arroz, abichuelas, ensaladas y biscocho dominicano.

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6. Casimiro D. Rodriguez: President - Hispanic Heritage Council of Western New York

  • De donde Eres? Ethnicity?

My parents are from Puerto Rico. Casimiro was born and raised in Western NY. He is a dedicated advocate of education, health, social and economic equality for Buffalo’s Latino community. He earned a BA in American Government from University at Buffalo and also studied management from the General Motors Institute. After 34 years of dutiful service he retired from GM. The recipient of several outstanding honors and awards, Casimiro has spearheaded many successful fundraising campaigns for the benefit of the Hispanic community. Passionate about social progress, he has served on boards of important professional, health, civic and cultural agencies and institutions too numerous to mention. Casimiro is driven by social justice, exemplified by his commitment to today’s community and tomorrow’s leaders. He is a catalyst for revival and progress bringing people of different faiths and races together for a common goal. Currently he is spearheading the efforts to build the first in Upstate New York Hispanic Heritage Cultural Institute.

  • How important is representation as a leader/public servant in the H/L community?

It is very important it is through the relationship that we build as leaders with Government, Privtae & Public, Arts & Cultural Sector that we are able to thrive as a community. We must ensure that we are represented at institutions that provide product and services to our community. According to the Congressional Budget Office by 2042 immigrants will account for 100% of the US Population growth rate. Regional economies that embrace these changing demographics will thrive.

  • Why is it important to celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month?

The Hispanic population is the fasted growing population in the U.S. and its important that as our communities grow all across America we celebrate National Hispanic Heritage Month to share our rich cultural tradition, customs. and history, that contributes to the fabric of our great nation. Hispanic have served in all military conflicts, we contribute in all professions of government, education, legal, science, economics, arts, to name a few.

  • Why should Hispanics/Latinos get involved in public policy decisions?

As the fastest growing ethnic population in the U.S. we must ensure that we get invloved civicly by electing Hispanic/Latino representation in all levels of government to make a difference in public policy that affect our families and communities in America, education, health. housing, affect us all socially, economically, and its a civil rigth as Americans.

  • Cual es tu plato favorito? What’s your favorite Latino dish?

Arroz Con Gandules Y Bistec Encebollado

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7. Lisette Sosa-Dickson: Executive Director - Spanish Speaking Elderly Council - RAICES

  • De donde Eres? Ethnicity?

I am Dominican-American.

  • How important is representation as a leader/public servant in the H/L community?

As a Latina public servant and leader of an organization that holistically addresses the lives of older adults, I believe representation matters because it ensures that the diverse concerns and experiences of Latinas and our communities are heard, addressed, and acted upon in the corridors of power. Likewise, representation inspires younger Latino generations to aspire to leadership roles, showing them they can shatter glass ceilings.

  • Why is it important to celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month?

Hispanic Heritage Month is a time to celebrate Latino contributions and achievements and recognize their role in the growth of the United States. Most importantly, Hispanic Heritage Month is an opportunity to acknowledge the trailblazing individuals who have fought for progress and equity for their respective communities and have inspired others to achieve success.

  • Why should Hispanics/Latinos get involved in public policy decisions?

Latinos’ inclusive civic and political engagement provides an opportunity for Latinos to identify and discuss issues that are important to them and their communities. Latino inclusive civic engagement participants develop a better understanding of local government and a range of communication, problem-solving, and community-building skills. Inclusive engagement plays a pivotal role in fostering relationships that can mobilize additional resources to tackle community issues, and in breaking the isolation often experienced by Latino immigrant groups. Lastly, becoming involved in these inclusive networks of relationships can offer Latinos new avenues for problem-solving issues such as healthcare, housing, education, and other policy decisions affecting our community.

  • Cual es tu plato favorito? What’s your favorite Latino dish?

I LOVE my mom’s arroz con guandules (yellow rice with green pigeon peas); chuletas fritas (fried pork chops); plátanos maduros (fried sweet plantains); y una ensalada de aguacate al lado (and a delicious avocado salad on the side)!

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8. Felix Urrutia: Executive Director - Casita Maria Center for the Arts & Education

  • De donde Eres? Ethnicity?

I am Puerto Rican. Born in Bellevue Hospital and raised in the Lower East Side of Manhattan.

  • How important is representation as a leader/public servant in the H/L community?

Representation is everything. In order to contribute, lead by example, and assist others in their professional development, one has to serve in a position of responsibility and authority. When a Latino occupies a position of visibility and influence, we do so honoring our parents and ancestors for their sacrifices. We also have an obligation to serve with integrity, dignity, and distinction, and pay it forward on behalf of those who opened doors for us.

  • Why is it important to celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month?

Hispanic Heritage Month provides a focus for people of all colors and backgrounds to learn about the contributions of Spanish-speaking people in the Americas and throughout the world. It also reminds us to celebrate the beauty and richness of our diversity and pass along a sense of respect, pride, and honor to our younger generations.

  • Why should Hispanics/Latinos get involved in public policy decisions?

Public policy is the marketplace for ideas and advocacy for resources and services that facilitate the development of society. To influence and shape public policy is to make a tangible difference in the lives of Latinos and other people of color in dependent, working poor, working class, and middle class neighborhoods locally, regionally, and nationally.

  • Cual es tu plato favorito? What’s your favorite Latino dish?

It is impossible for me to choose one dish over another, but I think for nearly all Latinos, a hot plate of rice and beans, pollo guisado, and maduros will warm our stomachs, nurture our hearts, and feed our souls.

Thank you to all of our leaders who shared their stories with us. Hispanic Heritage Month is an invitation to learn, celebrate, and advocate for a more inclusive future. Join us as we honor the history, culture, and contributions of Hispanic and Latino communities. Let’s continue the conversation on social media, sharing stories, celebrating achievements, and supporting one another in building a brighter future for all.

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