AARP Eye Center
Free Document Shredding in Nampa

As part of the fight against fraud and identity theft, AARP Idaho is offering a FREE shredding opportunity on July 11 at the Hispanic Cultural Center of Idaho in Nampa. The event takes place from 10:00am – 1:00pm or until the trucks are full. Consumers can bring up to 15 boxes apiece, but please, no businesses.
To RSVP: 877-926-8300 or visit
What: Free Document Shredding
When: July 11, 2023 from 10:00am – 1:00pm.
Where: Hispanic Cultural Center of Idaho in Nampa, 315 Stampede Drive, Nampa
Who: The event is open to everyone, AARP member or not
Info: email questions to
Shredding confidential documents you no longer need is a good way to protect yourself. Bring any confidential documents and we’ll shred them for free. It only takes a few minutes and can save you lots of headaches later on.To further avoid having your sensitive information stolen, security experts recommend shredding the following types of materials regularly:
- Old documents: Papers that carry your Social Security number, birth date, signature, account numbers, passwords or PIN numbers.
- Banking: Canceled or unused checks. Shred deposit slips and ATM and credit card receipts, once you receive your monthly statements.
- Credit Cards: Preapproved credit card applications and incentive/gift checks from credit card companies.
- Medical: unneeded medical bills.
- Investments: Investment account statements.
- Obsolete ID cards: Expired driver’s licenses, medical insurance cards and passports.
And for those consumers who use a home shredder, experts also recommend the use of a micro-cut model. Tests have shown that the scraps of paper from a straight or cross-cut shredder can be reassembled by identity thieves. With a micro-cut shredder, the paper is rendered into impossible-to-reassemble debris.For more information and tips on how to protect yourself from fraud visit AARP’s Fraud Watch Networkand sign up for daily fraud alerts.