Connecting All Ohioans: State Broadband Leaders Need to Hear from You by Sept. 22

Posted on 08/30/23

Reliable, affordable high-speed internet access is of utmost importance to older adults because it enables them to age safely in their homes and communities.

In November 2021, Congress passed the Digital Equity Act, appropriating $2.75 billion to help Americans access technology. To receive funding, each state needs to develop a digital equity/opportunity plan. Ohio just released its draft plan for public comment.

We’re encouraging everyone to read the plan and provide comment, so that it effectively addresses the unique concerns and challenges facing older adults as they use high-speed internet. AARP views this as a once in a generation opportunity to address barriers that have prevented too many older Ohioans from unlocking the benefits of being online.

You can view Ohio’s Draft Digital Opportunity Plan here.

You can provide public comment on Ohio’s Draft Digital Opportunity Plan by sending an email to

This story is provided by AARP Ohio. Visit the AARP Ohio page for more news, events, and programs affecting retirement, health care, and more.

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