AARP Eye Center
Avoiding Holiday Scams
'Tis the season for holiday scams. The AARP Fraud Watch Network reports that three-quarters of U.S. consumers experienced or were targeted by at least one form of fraud that can be tied to the holidays in 2022. Those scams include requests from (often fake) charities, online shopping scams and fraudulent communications about shipping problems.

AARP Texas is doing its part to keep you informed on scams in your area. In this per-recorded Tele-town Hall, both AARP Texas and Heather Massey from The Better Business Bureau answered your questions and revealed practical ways to protect yourself and your loved ones from scams this holiday season.
Call the AARP Fraud Watch Network Helpline at 877-908-3360 or report it with the AARP Scam Tracking Map. The service is free and available Monday - Friday from 6 a.m. to 10 p.m. (central Time).
Llama a nuestra Línea de Ayuda, 877-908-3360, si sospechas de un fraude. El servicio gratuito está disponible de lunes a viernes entre las 6 a.m. y las 10 p.m. (hora central)
Other Links
Watchdog Alerts
Scam-Tracking Map
AARP Veterans Fraud Center
Fraud Victim Support (Free, confidential discussion groups) (recursos en espanol)