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A Volunteer's Perspective: AARP Takes on Scammers

Posted on 11/20/24

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Dealing with Artificial Intelligence (AI) — especially involving scams — is a huge challenge for all of us. While I have been fascinated by AI, it is the ongoing changing algorithms that are hard to follow. 

AARP has a wealth of resources on spotting and stopping scams and how AI is a game changer for criminals. Recently, my wife and I attended a session presented by the AARP NH Speakers Bureau called: The Scam Landscape: Staying Safe at our local library. We learned a lot! Here are some of the areas that were covered:

  • Scammers steal billions of dollars from unsuspecting consumers every year. The impact on victims and their families can be financially and emotionally devastating, especially for older Americans.
  • Fraud Trends – Understanding how much fraud is out there and what it looks like.
  • Changing the Narrative – How we talk about fraud matters – words matter.
  • Prevention – Knowing and practicing prevention strategies to avoid becoming a target.
  • Resources – How to access and share up-to-date tools and resources about fraud identification and prevention, and where to go if you or someone you love has become a victim.

No matter your age, this is critical info for everyone! Scammers are only getting more savvy in their techniques and the best way to spot a scam is to stop a scam. 

AARP created the Fraud Watch Network to empower consumers to spot and avoid scams, and to provide support and guidance to victims and their families when fraud happens. For more info about the Fraud Watch Network, click here

Your organization or group can also request a FREE AARP NH Speakers Bureau presentation about fraud! Just email the team at

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