Then Came You

NR, 180 mins
Cast: Kathie Lee Gifford, Craig Ferguson, Ford Kiernan, Phyllida Law, Brett James
Fathom Events
Genres: Program

Annabelle Wilson is suddenly widowed after a 32-year marriage to her husband, Fred. They have lived on Nantucket the entire time, running their hardware store and going to the movies every week. While reading his last will and testament she discovers that upon his death he wishes to be cremated and have his ashes put in 'a box of chocolates' because Forrest Gump was his favorite movie. Polar opposites, Annabelle and Howard spend one week discovering secrets they've never shared and develop an unlikely friendship. Will it lead to a last chance at love for both of them? There's a complication: Howard is scheduled to be married at the end of the week!

She makes a list of their favorite 20 movies, sells her house and the hardware store, and leaves her life on Nantucket behind forever. She travels to Scotland first, in honor of BRAVEHEART, where she meets a crusty Inn owner named Lord Howard Awd. Annabelle is immediately stunned and seduced by the sheer power and passionate beauty of the Scottish countryside.

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