¡Que viva México!

R, 191 mins
Cast: Alfonso Herrera, Damián Alcázar, Joaquín Cosio, Ana de la Reguera, Ana Martín
Sony Pictures International Re
Genres: Comedy
Director: Luis Estrada
Writer: Luis Estrada, Jaime Sampietro

Twenty years ago, Pancho Reyes, a prosperous and "aspirational" middle class man, abandoned his hometown and entirely forgot all about his very large and very poor family. One day, he receives unexpected news when his father informs him that his grandfather, Don Francisco Reyes, a rich old miner, just passed away and that he is part of his will and a possible heir. Motivated by greed, Pancho decides to go back to the remote town of La Prosperidad to meet with his estranged and resented family, and takes his wife, kids, and maid with him. But the mere presence of Pancho, his grandfather's favorite, considered by his whole family as an arrogant and ungrateful showoff; and the possibility that he may be one of the heirs in the will, arises old feelings of envy and hate that have been kept under the surface for so long, causing a grand battle.

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