Criminal (Punjabi)

NR, 102 mins
Cast: Neeru Bajwa, Prince Kanwaljit Singh, Dheeraj Kumar
Genres: Drama
Director: Garinder Sidhu
Writer: Naveen Jethi, Saravjit Khera

Arjun and Mahi have been married for 4-5 years, but their relationship is not what it used to be. Now they are hellbent on divorcing each other. Their common friends, Gagan and jasleen, try to patch things up. While doing it they plan a holiday together which gets cancelled somehow. They come back not realizing that 5 prison escapes are now hiding in their house. In their own home they become prisoners in hiding. Now enters Inspector Vikram in the story. He is the one who is handling the prison escape case. Even Ins Vikaram gets captured by the criminals, while Mahi escapes. But rather than running away, she comes back for her husband and with Ins Vikram's help, she manages to free him as well. On one hand Vikram gets his escapees, on the other Arjun and Mahi get their "Love, Care and Understanding" back.

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