AARP in Kansas
Posted on 01/17/25
Making a difference doesn't stop as you age. Millions of older adults are using their experience to give back, to solve…
AARP in Kansas
Posted on 01/08/25
AARP Kansas invites local eligible non-profit organizations and governments across the country to apply for the 2025…
AARP Livable Communities
Posted on 12/17/24
Off-leash dog parks are the fastest-growing type of park in the United States
Health & Wellbeing
Posted on 11/19/24
We all know that getting outside and moving has benefits, especially for those aged 50 and older. From improving heart,…
AARP in Kansas
Posted on 11/19/24
A garage isn’t just a place to park your car or store rarely-used items. It can be one of the most dangerous areas of a…
Posted on 11/19/24
More than 25 percent of adults age 65 and older fall every year and many of those accidents occur at home. So, AARP…
AARP in Kansas
Posted on 11/05/24
AARP Kansas State Director, Glenda DuBoise welcomes the City of Wichita as an AARP Age-Friendly Community.
AARP in Kansas
Posted on 09/26/24
AARP Kansas honors six individuals with a combined 60 years of service for their volunteerism, leadership, and…