Gain insight on handling the emotions - the anger, hatred, terror, blame - that often follow devastating loss.
About the Event
It’s normal to feel rage, hate, blame, terror and other explosive emotions after a death or other significant loss. Yet it’s challenging to experience these feelings and can be hard to know what to do about them. Allowing them to build up inside you is not the answer. Neither is lashing out at people who care about you. This webinar will help you learn to:
- Understand and be with your anger as a natural part of mourning
- Express your explosive emotions in restorative ways
- Soothe your anger to help your healing journey
- Use time-tested tips and techniques to live with less suffering and more joy
This virtual event is based on "The Anger of Grief: How to Understand, Embrace and Restoratively Express Explosive Emotions After Loss” by Alan D. Wolfelt, Ph.D., director of the Center for Loss and Life Transition and a member of the faculty at the University of Colorado School of Medicine.
How to Join
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