AARP Eye Center

We'll explore a variety of fun and useful features made possible by apps, such as scanning QR codes, translating text, measuring objects, and even using augmented reality.
Join Senior Planet from AARP, for this FREE lecture to learn about additional ways you can use your smartphone's camera beyond photography! We'll explore a variety of fun and useful features made possible by apps, such as scanning QR codes, translating text, measuring objects, and even using augmented reality. We'll also cover considerations for choosing apps and reviewing their privacy and data practices.
Founded in 2004, Older Adults Technology Services (OATS) from AARP is a social impact organization with a mission to “harness the power of technology to change the way we age.” OATS aims to empower older adults with the tools and training necessary to take advantage of today’s technology and use it to enrich their lives. Through its flagship program, Senior Planet from AARP, OATS works closely with older adults to create extraordinary experiences in-person and online.