This “Piggy Bank Essentials” talk will help you make decisions about your benefits.
About the Event
Join us for Piggy Bank Essentials as Jammie Lyell, a member of the AARP Financial Health Resilience Team, helps us navigate key information about Social Security Retirement Benefits. Topics to be covered include:
- Eligibility and age: When you can start receiving retirement benefits (as early as 62) and how your age affects the benefit amount
- Full retirement age (FRA): Your FRA (typically between 66 and 67) and its impact on benefit calculations
- Spousal benefits: Benefits available to spouses based on their work history or their partner’s
- Survivor benefits: How survivor benefits work if a spouse passes away
- Delayed retirement credits: The advantages of delaying benefits beyond FRA
How to Join
Sign in to your account or create an account to register for events. AARP membership is not required. You will receive an email with the Zoom link before class.