AARP Eye Center
Attend all four Wednesdays. Get a chance to learn & play and get an official Mah Jongg card. Get tips to help you get started with this interesting, strategic & fun game.
This class requires attendance on four Wednesdays starting April 23, 2025. Please do not register if you can't be there for all four lessons.
Warning: We will not take responsibility for your future addiction to this game. Learn at your own risk!
Have you heard of the ancient Chinese tile game, Mah Jongg? No, it is not that tile matching game you have seen online. Join us for a stress-free, step-by-step learning opportunity. You will receive an official Mah Jongg card and we will teach the rules of the game per the National Mah Jongg League. Not only will you learn to love the game, as it is always new and fresh, but you will also able to play a few games. We will point out some tips to help you get started on your love affair with this wonderful, interesting, strategic and fun game - a game you can enjoy for years to come!"